Clear quartz Hathor (horns)


Clear quartz Hathor (horns)

201 grams

9,9 cms high

Clear Quartz has the ability to hold pure crystalline frequencies. Its power brings clarity in every way that is needed to restore the blueprint of divine light. This crystal is able to store, amplify, transform, balance, absorb and transmit energy. In ancient times, clear quartz was called 'krystallos or holy ice' and was revered as gift from the heavens. Each piece of clear quartz, however small, holds all information of our existence in coded frequencies which can assist you to connect with your higher consciousness. 

These Hathor carvings are one of our own realizations. The goddess Hathor is the primordial mother goddess of ancient Egypt and ruler of the sky, and through the goddess Hathor, there is a connection to our intergalactic brothers and sisters known as The Hathors. They reach out to us through sound and sacred geometry, in order to help us remember our true nature.

This Hathor wears the headdress of the goddess of fertility, the horns are a symbol for abundance while the solar disk in the middle is a symbol of light. 

When the crystal and carving merge, a unique awareness comes to life. This Hathor could bring you the following frequency:

Tap in to your personal abundance through the higher knowledge that is stored in the crystalline frequencies. All you need to know lies within yourself, you resemble the living light. Have faith and allow miracles to manifest through your sacred connection within the realms of light. 


The description above is complementary. We advise you to trust your own intuition, to listen with your heart, and feel the personal connection.